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Did you know that it is also possible to walk to an island and enjoy your time there? Hollandbreak will take your luggage to a cozy little hotel on the island of Schiermonnikoog, Holland’s first national park with its special natural ecosystem, or the island of Ameland where you will find a scenic refuge called the “Oerd”, a large complex of dunes which is expanding by the year.



We will do our best to provide you with an unforgettable experience and memories that you’ll treasure forever!!! 


Holland break will work with you, listen to your ideas create an itinerary based on your input and schedule. We will give you a tailored quotation as soon as possible.

Explore the “Wadden” in the very North of Holland – an area of outstanding natural beauty which is unique in the world. The adventure starts in Pieterburen, a very small Dutch village which is completely organized and focused on Mudflat Hiking.


What exactly is Mudflat hiking?

Mudflat hiking is provided by nature! Because of the pull of the moon on the earth, the sea ebbs and flows twice  a day. This means that the water moves out when it is low tide and comes back in when it is high tide.


You can walk/wade on the seafloor when the water is low. Low water  tides occur at different times every day. Therefore mudflat hiking might start at 6 am in the morning one day and a week later at 17: 00 in the afternoon! So you if you decide to take a stroll on the Wadden Sea, realize that nature dictates the schedule.


Mudflat walking is a wonderful, eco-friendly sport that anyone in good health can do! During the walk you will pass through salt marshes, mud, sand banks and fields, and  trenches (some of them deep!). You sometimes sink to your knees in the mud and occasionally may have to wade through a trench where the water comes up to your waist!


Note that mudflat hiking is not entirely risk-free, therefore you should never go without the supervision of a licensed guide.



Itinerary of the Mudflat Hiking Tour


Day 1                                                                                                  

Hollandbreak will arrange transportation and cheerfully bring you to the hotel in Pieterburen. There will be a warm welcome for you after your long travels. Because of the early schedule the next morning, we suggest you relax and have a nice sleep after the traditional Dutch dinner.


Day 2                                                                                                  

We will get up around 5:30 am and have rich breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards, it is time to experience the unforgettable hiking tour! The tour will last approximately 3.5 hours.  Enjoy this special experience and make sure you take pictures to send to your friends, colleagues and family. Otherwise they will never believe you!! Experience the beautiful vistas, silence and overwhelming nature. If you’re lucky you might even bump into a seal in the wild.

After the tour, we will prepare an excellent Dutch dinner or barbecue for you where you can appreciate the wellness of Wadden and experience the unique bar  culture after dinner. Or if you are too tired you can go back to your room early, relax in your comfortable bed and fall  asleep with the cries of the seals from the famous seal crèche in Pieterburen.


Day 3                                                                                                  

Good morning! Enjoy the breakfast and say good-bye to the Wadden Sea.  Checking out of the hotel this morning brings your Mudflat hiking tour experience to an end. Hollandbreak will arrange transportation wherever you would like to go.

Mudflat Hiking Tour

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