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Visit the special places in Holland with your family, friends or fellow travellers from your country, without having to worry about how you should do that, and where you should stay. Hollandbreak takes account of differing wishes and puts together a pleasant travel programme. We take you to typical Dutch locations where you can take nice photos and experience the Dutch atmosphere. Experience a trip on the water in the cities, with a water bike, or enjoy quiet waters whilst canoeing on the Dutch rivers. Or experience a variety of sailing tour packages or a trip on a sailing ship.


Experience the Holland of yesterday, and visit the various open air museums. See the lines of windmills, see how flowers are auctioned, and visit a cheese market or a cheese factory. Step inside the many souvenir shops and pick out a nice memento of your trip.


Sample the Dutch delicacies and stay overnight in a pleasant hotel, farm, castle or outdoor accommodation.


We organise trips to Holland in combination with other European countries. 

Group trip

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